
Monday, August 20, 2012

feeling better everyday

Woke up this morn fixed my coffee, I have one cup a day. In the morn,, realized,,, hey I don't hurt so bad this morning and I slept 7 hrs straight!! How wonderful. So I am doing better after this major back surgery than I guess a lot of folks! I still have pain but not as.bad most I am three months post op it seems much longer than that. Now most people.know that my love.of.horses and my Beloved Belle has taken.a.toll as I felt.for.quite a while that I would never ride again and then Belle getting sick and almost thinking I would have. To.put her down due to some.weird kind of.laminitis well I got this stuff called Wunder Hoof and it has done miracles for her feet she has been sound since the first week I started putting this on her feet. My farrier just came on Friday and.couldn't believe.the new.healthy hoof.she is.growing I have to get down on my hands and knees to put it on her as you rub it in one inch above her coronet band and it has made my own nails really strong too


  1. Hallo Mel, great to see you here, didn't know you were!

  2. And such good news too. We want to see you and Belle ride off into the sunset together!
